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Child abuse victim memorial in Dublin denied planning

Added on November 28, 2013


The future of a memorial to victims of institutional child abuse is in jeopardy after planning was refused for the €500,000 project in Dublin’s north inner city.

An Bord Pleanála has decided the impact of the Journey of Light design in the Garden of Remembrance would be too much to grant permission. The proposal was mostly for the rear of the garden and would have been accessed from the other side of Parnell Square, but it included plans for a walkway from the memorial through the raised podium that supports the Children of Lir statue in the main garden. 

In its refusal, the board referenced the removal of the central section of the podium steps which form part of the processional route through the garden, where British monarch Queen Elizabeth historically laid a wreath at the foot of the Oisín Kelly statue in May 2011. 

“Notwithstanding the importance of the creation of a memorial to commemorate the victims of institutional abuse, the proposed development would have an adverse impact on the setting, character and function of the Garden of Remembrance,” said the appeals board. 

A planning inspector recommended refusal after hearing submissions from all sides last month, following Dublin City Council’s initial grant of permission in May. 

The project drew further criticism even after its refusal from three objectors who have opposed it since plans were first lodged in Oct 2012. 

“An Bord’s decision ensures that the proper respect and homage... for those who laid down their lives for Ireland is maintained; that our National Memorial is afforded the dignity that the people of Ireland require it to have, and that it is not the subject of unseemly controversy now or in the future,” said objectors Michael Heery, Mary Kirwan, and Alice Hanratty. 

A memorial was recommended in the 2009 Ryan Report of the institutional child abuse commission. 

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